
SAFCO SYSTEMS S.r.L Via Isonzo, 17/b 20090 Cesano Boscone - Milano - Italy

Phones:  +39 024504433 +39 024504435 +39 024504321

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1962 Scofima s.p.a. company foundation.

1963 Manufacturing of electronic controllers for resistance welding machine based on thermionic and power ignitron valves.

1969 Manufacturing of electronic controllers for resistance welding transistors based.

1972 Manufacturing of electronic controllers for resistance welding frequency conversion technology based. 


1978 Scofima System s.r.l. company foundation.

1979 Manufacturing of electronic controllers for resistance welding integrated circuits and power SCR based. 

1983 Manufacturing of controllers for resistance welding microprocessor based to drive single/Three-phase welding transformers.


2003 Safco Systems s.r.l. company foundation.

2003 Manufacturing of constant-current controllers for roll/spot resistance welding aim to drive single and three-phase welding transformers.

2004 Manufacturing of medium-frequency welding controllers able to drive the DC medium frequency transformers from 1 up to 5 KHz.

2007 Manufacturing of welding controllers able to drive the AC transformer from 30 up to 100 Hz.

2010 Special design Inverters for Micro welding. 


Safco Systems s.r.l. Controlli di Saldatura industriale, Trasformatori di saldatura, PLC, Welding control, welding transformer Spot Roller. - ex Scofima System. scofima system